Friday 25 January 2008

Year in review - 2007

This blog began a bit late, but i think the best way to start would to kinda review the whole year in general. Quite alot of movies came out in 2007, but for once i missed quite a lot of them. The main reason for this is because the first movie I saw in the year was epic movie. I can still feel the void of a wasted fiver in my heart and it burns to this day. I lie in bed each night, tossing and turning, flashbacks and images rolling through my brain and then a whisper at the back of my mind says "....could've gone seen smokin aces instead." Then i wake up, breathing heavily, and i weep, i weep for my lost £5....sorta. Ok maybe not to that extreme, but it was seriously awful. When it came to febuary I didn't go see any movies because I was still in shock from epic movie, and it would have had to take something that looked completely amazing to make me go and see any films at this time. Being that 'norbit' was the only film i can remember was out at the time i can see that this wasnt the case. In march the internet was going mad for this first appealing looking film of the year, 300! I decided it was safe to venture into the cinima once again and we went to see it. Overall i thought it was actually a pretty go...IT WAS SHITE xD. If there was no slow motion in this movie, it would be 20 minutes long. Another thing, is that im fairly sure the producer or director or whoever could not do maths to save his own life. For alot of the film there never really seemed to actually be 300 of them, it looked more like 100. This doesn't bother me too much but in the first battle when tons of persians charge at them, there's so many persians piled up in a crowd, yet when the spartans break out from there shields and charge at the persians there's about 32 and there all really spaced out, getting killed in really slow, SPED-UP, really slow motion along to hardcore music. yay. The worst mathmatical error though is at the end, there is meant to be 10,000 spartans. Thats roughly double a grimsby town football crowd. If roughly double a grimsby town football crowd were to stand closely together in a large area, it wouldn't look like there were THAT many of them. However it zooms out and all the spartans shout in a hardcore way. HARDCORE. There's more like 500,000 thousand there, the crowd is HUGE. This didn't ruin the film for me, because mostly everything else was mediochre and sucky aswell. In march i also remember seeing blades of glory which was pretty average. In april I went to see hot fuzz, which is a pretty awesome movie but I won't say much as I typed a hell of alot complaining about someone involved with 300 and there mathmatical skills. Its not as though anyones gonna read this but its something i had to get off my chest. May was a pretty good month, seeing the release of spiderman 3, shrek 3 and....pirates of the carribean 3. And all of them were pretty good too. When june came 2007 was really brought to an end for me, what had seemed like a pretty promising year really went downhill. The weather went terrible, rained and didn't stop till about november. I broke my wrist, had a cast for two weeks, then i was fine for a couple of weeks, then on the last day of school i got booted in the knee playing football and couldn't walk all summer. It really sucked, i managed to see transformers at some point which i thought was great. Other movies i managed to see at some point were harry potter, rush hour 3 and the simpsons movie. The first two i thought were good but i thought the simpsons movie was crap. A sort of recent movie was resident evil 3 which was rubbish, low-budget and pointless. However, the year ended pretty well with I am Legend. Its probably the best movie ive seen for quite a long time and i think i could very easily give it 10/10 D: . I also finally got round to superbad recently and i thought this was great too, mainly coz of mclovin w00t. 9/10 for this film but.... I'd give 2007 a 3/10 coz it was really quite a shit year. And if your reading this, your probably joe.

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