Friday 25 January 2008

300: The Ultimate Movie Ever?

Okay, the plot. 300 Spartan must defeat over 10,000,000 (I dont know the actual figure, that was a guess) in a war to end all wars. *Spolier warning* They Lose. In a really, un-epic way.

Now, this film was, in my personal opinion, okay. Others may agree, others may not. To be perfectly honest, the film overly uses Slow-Mo at every turn. (Think of a really, really old Matrix 3...but shiter)

The film has some good fight sequences but me having the attention span of a goldfish, i always seemed to rewind back the the sex scene.

300's epic line "This Is SPARTAAAAAAAAA" has caught on with the internet causing loads of pictures, edits, remixes and the like. Pretty much becoming the worlds largest meme.

Also staying with the 300 theme, we have up-coming film "Meet The Spartans." The film is made by the same people that made "Epic Movie." The 9/11 of the media buisness. So we'll be having a review of that when it hits British soil.

So the final score - 7/10

- Joe

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